Easy Cut Studio is an easy sign design and cutting software solution for graphic designers needing to professionally print or cut their artwork. Both Windows and Mac versions available.
The software allows users to import SVG files and access True Type and Open Type Fonts, then establish draw and cut lines, or create your own images within the software using advanced design tools. It gives you the power to design new sign files, including print and cut capabilities.
Easy Cut Studio includes a variety of functions such as: preview, node editing, registration mark creation, weld shapes together, create lattices, make rhinestone templates, unlimited undo/redo, working with layers, cut job settings and more! Easy Cut Studio is easy to use and enables you to get the best possible performance from your MOMO cutter plotter. It will make you cut your artwork faster and easier than with any other cutting plotter software. the perfect buddy for your MOMO cutting machine.
Works with installed TrueType and OpenType fonts;
Drawing tools to draw and edit shapes;
Supports vector file formats such as SVG, AI, EPS, PDF, PNG, GSD and WPC.
Exporting your artwork to a PDF, SVG, EPS, AI, JPG or PNG formats;
Print and cut capability (contour cutting) for Craft machine models;
Automatic creation of registration marks for print & cut applications
Easy conversion of raster images (JPG, PNG, TIF, BMP, GIF) into cutting files;
Layout and special effects for signs;
Stencil function for bridging interior shapes;
Offers an opacity setting as well as stroke color, thickness, and shape;
Multi-color gradient fill function with linear and radial options.
Support placing text and shapes on a path;
Cut only selected objects;
Scan or read bitmap graphics and convert to cuttable vector graphics;
Options to mirror or flip images before cutting;
Customizable presets for materials and blades;
Prompt option when needing to change out tools during a cut;
WYSIWYC Interface - Virtual Cutting Mat lets you see what you cut;
Weld overlapping letters and shapes together;
Select styles, including Shadow and Blackout, to change look of letters and shapes;
Create rhinestone templates and Lattice shapes;
Copies are automatically placed and rotated for a minimum use of vinyl;
Place text and/or objects on Bezier paths;
Create custom background shadows from any shape;
Drives all popular cutting plotters. Over 500 cutting plotters are currently supported.;
Comes with over 250 pre-drawn shapes;
Available for Windows and macOS.
Q: When I try to set up my cutter, it is not listed. Is there a generic one I can use?
A: Yes, Please go to the Cutter menu -> Manage My Cutters and add the Plotter Generic option. If it still does not work, please contact us, The support department will respond to your email within 24 hours.
Q: Where are the tutorials to know how to use the software?
A: You can download user Manual here.
Q: What file extensions does Easy Cut Studio supported? Will it take straight .ai files or at the very least .svg?
A: Yes, Easy Cut Studio supports import various file formats, including SVG, AI, EPS, PDF or other popular formats as editable vector objects.
Q: What kind of vinyl cutters are supported?
A: Easy Cut Studio supports a variety of cutters including USCutter, GCC, Roland, Pazzles, Silhouette SD/CAMEO/Portrait, VinylExpress machines and so on. Click here to find all current models that are supported by Easy Cut Studio. If you do not find your vinyl cutter in the list. Please contact us to add the cutters that are requested.
Q: I get an error telling me the Cutting Machine can't be found. What am I missing or doing wrong?
A: Make sure you have the latest version installed and make sure you have the latest USB driver installed. Easy Cut Studio has a USB Driver Install option under the Help menu for various cutting machines (plotters, vinyl cutters). However the latest version of the USB driver may be downloaded from http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm.
Q: I click Cutter, OK, then Cut and it says "Cutting" full blue progress bar, then says "Cutting data was sent to cutting machine" but the machine sits there doing nothing?
A: Make sure the cutter is in online mode. If the cutter is in offline mode (which is usually the default after you power it on) it will not cut anything.
Q: Does your software work with Roland GS-24 and Roland CAMM1 GX-24 plotters?
A: Yes, Easy Cut Studio fully compatible with Roland GS 24 and Roland GX 24 plotters. From the cutter menu, choose manage cutters and try to use "Roland GX" option. We do have customers using it and works great.
Q: Does your software work with Creation PCut vinyl cutters? It is not listed in the cutter setup menu. How do I get it to work?
A: Yes, our software work with Creation PCut machines. Please try to select the USCutter PCut from the list to add as a cutter.
Q: There are a few lines through the cut. Is this because I've the trial version?
A: Yes, The horizontal line is a "watermark". You need to register your copy if you want to cut non-watermarked projects. After processing your order, we’ll send you a license key that will disable the watermarks from your newly cut projects.
Q: Will this software work with my Cricut machine?
A: Easy Cut Studio will not cut directly with the Cricut machines. If you are using a Cricut Explore, you can export as SVG from Easy Cut Studio and upload the SVG into Cricut Design Space for cutting with the Cricut Explore.
Q: I want to cut at the beginning of my vinyl so exactly as I vectors place in my software and that it begin cutting at the beginning of the roll, and not at the back left or right of the roll. how to do it?
A: When you hit cut to bring up the cut window you can set the Cut mode to WYSIWYG or Origin Point. When set to Origin Point, it should automatically shift the design so that it starts cutting where the blade origin is set on the machine.
Q: Can I use this program to create designs to be cut on the Brother ScanNCut?
A: Easy Cut Studio cannot directly cut with the Brother ScanNCut. You can only use Easy Cut Studio to create designs and then export as a compatible format to a USB drive for the Brother ScanNCut.
Q: What are the limitations of the free demo?
A: The demo version will cut a few horizontal lines through everything as a DEMO watermark.
Q: it won't let me enter a value longer than 72 inches on the virtual mat. Is this a limitation of the standard edition only?
A: The maximum cutting length is 72 inches. We have a Pro version of EasySignCut which does not have that limit. With EasySigncut Pro you can cut up to 200 inches in length.
Q: When I send my designs to the Graphtec cutter the sizing is about 1.5 times larger than what has been entered in the screen. Is there a reason for this sizing issue?
A: Need to make sure the step size on the Graphtec cutter matches the step size set in the software in the Cutter Settings.
Q: I am trying to get my cutter to cut right size. Everything is cutting smaller than what it should be. what settings can be changed to make it accurate?
A: In the software, When you hit cut to bring up the cut window, click the settings button and there are settings for X and Y resolution. If it is cutting too small, Increase the values. Values are based off a 1 x 1 inch square. Make sure the units are set to inches. Most of the time these will be set to 1.0 and 1.0. So now you will adjust these numbers accordingly in order to resolve the scaling issue.
Q: I've got an SVG file in which I have separated the objects. and I can't get one object to fill with color.
A: By default, Easy Cut Studio will only fill shapes that are closed. If a shape is open, you can close it by choosing Close Path from the Path menu. In the Preferences under the Edit tab, there is also an option "Never fill open paths" which is checked by default. You can uncheck that and it should apply fills if the path is open.
Q: Cutter is not cutting circles round they look like a saw blade is there some kind of adjustment within the program?
A: When you hit cut to bring up the cut window, try to change the Holder setting to Pen and set the option below to "Draw draw+cut lines".
Q: I am trying to cut an existing file but only need to cut part of it. How do I cross out the stuff I don't want to cut?
A: If you open the Layers window you should see all the different shapes in your project. If you click the Eye icon, you can toggle specific Layers to be visible/not visible, where layers that are not visible will not cut.
Q: The cutting is significantly slower than what I experienced with Roland’s CutStudio. How to fix this?
A: Do you mean the speed at which the blade is moving is slow? If you are able to set the speed on the Roland machine, set the speed there and in the software, uncheck the option to Use software speed & pressure.
Q: How to activate the software on a new computer?
A: If you want to run Easy Cut Studio on another system, you first must deactivate your software license before you can activate it on a second system. Choose the Deactivate option under the Help menu in EasyCutStudio. (You must be connected to the Internet to deactivate your software.) Once it is deactivated, you can use your serial key to activate the software on a new computer.
Q: I tried to install software on Mac OS 10.6, and the installation fails every time, Does the Easy Cut Studio with Mac 10.6.8? ?
A: Yes. The Easy Cut Studio compatible with Mac OS X 10.6.8, You will need to update your Apple Software Installer from here. Maybe this will help.
Q: Are there any educational discounts available?
A: Yes, We specially offer additional discounts for schools, government and non-profit organizations. Please contact our sales to discuss specific requirements.
Q: I want to buy multiple licenses. Are there any discounts ?
A: Yes, The price for multiple license varies according to licenses you need. You can email our sales team to place the order.
Q: Is Easy Cut Studio compatible with macOS Sierra?
A: Yes, Easy Cut Studio for Mac is fully optimized for macOS 10.13 High Sierra and Retina display.
Q: More Questions?
A: If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact us. We'd love to hear from you!